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Gold earrings "Blooming" Multicolor with sapphires|ALTER EGO|
100955 RUB
"Blob's" beads with amethysts|ALTER EGO|
For example
Beads Blots turquoise, gilding |ALTER EGO|
5600 RUB
Silver beads "Blots" with turquoise|ALTER EGO|
Earrings "Figure Skaters" silver
6500 RUB
"Chrome Diopside" gold 585 with diamonds|ALTER EGO|
42000 RUB
Dagger earrings titanium, yellow gold, emeralds, diamonds|ALTER EGO|
Multicolour gold earrings with baguettes of gems|ALTER EGO|
76300 RUB
Congo Ring Earrings: Titanium and Gold 585|ALTER EGO|
78000 RUB
Earrings "Russian winter" opals, diamonds, gold 750|ALTER EGO|
Magenta pusettes with tourmalines in gold, with diamonds
48500 RUB