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Gold earring "Titanium Dragon" | ALTER EGO|
43000 RUB
Honeycomb ring: sphalerite (titanite), titanium and gold 585 |ALTER EGO|
for example
Monoserge "Dragon Agil" titanium in gold, diamonds|ALTER EGO|
Silver Easter Egg Pendant|ALTER EGO|
4500 RUB
"Blob's" beads with amethysts|ALTER EGO|
4200 RUB
Pieris earrings with opals, gold, titanium |ALTER EGO|
54200 RUB
Bracelet "Spring mystery" with a chrysolite heart |ALTER EGO|
5940 RUB
Chanterelle-sister ring with diamonds and sapphires|ALTER EGO|
172000 RUB
Larimar pendant titanium, gold, sapphires|ALTER EGO|
100000 RUB
Garnet Holiday ring titanium, gold, diamonds|ALTER EGO|
28200 RUB
Single earring "3 chocolates" 10 diamonds, titanium green and blue , gold|ALTER EGO|
21100 RUB
Single earring "3 chocolates" 7 diamonds, titanium blue, gold|ALTER EGO
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20500 RUB